Hi there guys,
Me and the girlfriend are flying from the UK to NY on the morning of wednesday the 21st for a weeks holiday, i have two tickets for the sold out specials gig at terminal 5 on that evening, they are electronic delivery via ticketmaster so i can Email them to anyone (they just scan the barcode on the door). I grew up in Coventry in the period the band were formed so when i saw they were playing near our hotel i just had to get some tickets.
You know how you pack, make lists, check you have not forgot anything?
Enter: 'Icelandic Volcano'
Stone me if i did not have that one on my list! It's looking unlikely that we will be able to fly on wednesday morning. Each day since thrursday the flights have been cancelled with no sign of the ash lifting.
Here's why i joined htis forum: IF (and it's an 'IF') we can't fly on wednesday then i have two tickets i cannot use and they become something i print off as a keepsake and then delete off my email. I'd rather they were used. So, if i can't make wednesday then i will GIVE THEM AWAY (this is not a for sale thread).
All i ask is
PLEASE be a genuine NY person that will actually go to the gig and can print them out at any time. Don't just say yes and then not use them, i could do that myself and its a good gig lost.

It's all based on an 'IF', which is why i'm not trying to sell and get someones hopes up, i really want to use these so will leave the decision as late as possible (which is why i say a NY person/persons would be ideal). We are due to fly wednesday morning at what would be 5.55am your NY time so if it all goes tits up during the day then i sould have plenty of time to email them in time. As i type 'test flights' are being carried out so there is some hope of flight. I just wanted to give you guys the heads up.
It's a possible freebie. I took the time to find you guys, join, and say it might happen as i like music and can't see them wasted or trying to sell mega fast at the last minute. All being well i'll be there!!!!